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At Samarès School, we offer a broad and balanced curriculum which builds on the knowledge, understanding and skills of all children, whatever their starting points, as they progress through the school.

This section of the website contains a useful overview of our curriculum and what each year group will be learning throughout the year, as well as some information about the wider curriculum, our Extra curricular offer, Online Learning and our School Council

Our curriculum extends beyond the classroom to teach children throughout the different interactions and experiences they have at school. We are passionate about enriching our Subject Curriculum through trips, visits and experiences for all children which create lasting memories and help to broaden the horizons of all pupils. 100 Things To Do Before Leaving Samares shows the entitlements that all children have to experience a wide range of opportunities during their time at Samares. Follow the link in this section to find out more. 

Our curriculum has oracy and Personal Development at the centre - aimed to equip children with the skills and understanding required to be successful in both school and the wider world. Voice21 helps us in our delivery and development of high quality oracy teaching to enable children to learn to talk, and to learn through talk. The link in this section provides more information about this approach. 

Personal Development and Behaviour is deliberately planned for and another important part of our curriculum. Children are taught skills of self regulation through the Zones of Regulation and are supported to discuss their feelings and emotions through a variety of means in our provision - We follow the Jigsaw scheme of learning for PSHE, we have a full time well-being facilitator and ELSA trained staff, and work with a wide range of agencies to support the mental health and well-being of our pupils. Further information on the Zones of Regulation can be found by following the link. 

Our curriculum is continued into break and lunchtimes where we have developed a space for play that is supported by a trained team of staff using OPAL - Outdoor Play and Learning. We also use local agencies such as Sportsbug to support physical activity and games at lunch time.  

Our Teaching and Learning Policy can be read through the following link to the policy section of our website: Teaching and Learning Policy.