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Multi-Lingual Learners

At Samares School we celebrate and respect all languages and cultures. We believe that having an additional language is something to celebrate. We focus on what children can do to support progress according to the next steps in their learning. Our high focus on Oracy and that all voices are heard, support Multi Language Learners (MLL) to ensure all pupils feel safe, knowing they can contribute fully while feeling respected and valued. 

Adaptive Teaching

  • Teachers will make necessary adaptations within the classroom to meet the needs of MLL pupils
  • Interventions are time limited outside of the classroom to ensure full access to high quality teaching and learning
  • We encourage children to develop their oracy skills through high expectation of Oracy structures taught in lessons through scaffolded language and modelling.
  • We use visual resources in all lessons (e.g. symbols, widgets, concrete objects, and photographs).


Teachers alongside the MLL Lead and Key worker will assess MLL pupils using a best fit judgement from The Bell Foundation Framework. Children’s progress is tracked throughout the year and reassessed using the framework, once every term. Targets are set and then worked towards within the classroom teaching. Where appropriate, the MLL Key worker will work alongside children within the classroom. These sessions are carefully planned for.


We have a number of additional language speakers amongst our team at Samares School. Many of our staff support children to access their own home language and support children in their own language when needed. We also have a Polish Club and Portuguese lessons available after school. If you have any questions or queries please speak to Mrs K. Loveless

Whole School Celebrations

Key Dates:

International Languages Day – Friday 21st Feb

Whole School Celebration of Internation Languages Day Friday 28th February

KS2 Assembly – 26th Feb      

KS1 Assembly – 28th Feb