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Well being and Mental Health

We nurture and promote our core values: determinationengagementcollaboration and respect. Our ambition is that all pupils make good progress from their starting points, both academically and in their personal development to achieve the best possible outcomes. 

Samares School promotes positive mental health and wellbeing for our whole school community; pupils, staff, parents and carers. We recognise how important mental health and emotional well being is to our lives in just the same way of physical health. 

We recognise that children’s mental health is a crucial factor in their overall well-being and can impact on their learning and achievement. 

The Inclusion team recognises social, emotional and mental health as one of the four areas of needs. More information from the Government of Jersey can be found here: 

Samares School is working in collaboration with the Anna Freud Centre to advise on the strategic leadership of well being and mental health.